Friday, December 19, 2008

New York City Holidays Continued

Saks 5th Avenue Store with Snowflakes.

Yesterday I posted a variety of pictures from around the city that I took so far this December. I have several more (which I took with a regular digital camera, so hopefully better quality). Also, someone brought to my attention that people often wonder how New Yorkers shop for Christmas trees - and I have that answer as well.

Basically, Christmas Tree vendors come from a variety of locations, particularly Canada, bringing truckloads of trees and set up on street corners and along blocks. They often come with a small RV of sorts and pretty much 'live' on the spot (otherwise I think being here would be far too expensive). Kind of makes one wonder about their, um, hygiene for the month that they are here from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It's a funny thing wake up the day after Thanksgiving and they are all over the city - they come in the dark of the night, ready to sell on Black Friday.

This one if from today (12/19)- and it's only been snowing for about 2 hours! Will be a fun trip to school tonight...

These were taken the day before yesterday, showing the street level view. If you want a tree you go talk to the guy in charge, they help you pick one out and after cutting it open to show it to you, the re-wrap it for you if you want. Then people just carry them home usually - kind of like in the movie "When Harry Met Sally".

A new one of Rockefeller center. Really like this shot.
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1 comment:

mahakk01 said...

I just love New York City. There are so many places to visit in New York. I really like photos of the city. These are very well clicked. I can see that you enjoyed your holidays. Now I also want to holiday in New York. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
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